Politics Monitor

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Politics Monitor

EU Unity On Display: Borrell’s China Trip

Amid controversy over French President Emmanuel Macron’s trip to China, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell is expected to present a unified European...

Politics Monitor

European Diplomat Postpones China Trip After Covid Diagnosis

The head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, announced on Wednesday that he had tested positive for Covid and had to postpone a trip...

Politics Monitor

Taiwan: Macron Urges EU Independence From US And China

The Head of State affirmed that he refused to enter “in a logic of block to block” vis-à-vis the situation between Taiwan, China...

Politics Monitor

Diplomacy: Why Macron Will Visit The Netherlands On April 11 And 12

The President of the Republic is pushing for a massive investment plan in green industry in Europe. To do this, he will be...

Politics Monitor

Macron In Beijing: Can The Europeans Slow Down Sino-Russian Rapprochement?

Trying to drive a wedge between China and Russia over Ukraine: this is the French president’s avowed objective for his three-day state visit...

Politics Monitor

Burying Neutrality: Helsinki Becomes Full NATO Member

Finland made its official entry into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) on Tuesday, a “historic” turn caused by Russia’s offensive in Ukraine....

Politics Monitor

EU-China Relations And Beijing’s Russia Stance

The future of relations between the EU and China will largely depend on Beijing’s attitude towards Russia’s war on Ukraine, warned Ursula von...

Politics Monitor

France, EU Prioritize Human Rights On China Visit”

Emmanuel Macron and Ursula von der Leyen should set the tone for relations between Europe and China. French President Emmanuel Macron and European...

Politics Monitor

Tunisian Diplomat Hosts European Economy Commissioner

The Tunisian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nabil Ammar, received this Monday at the headquarters of his department in Tunis, Paolo Gentiloni, European Commissioner...

Politics Monitor

Karega’s M23 Mission: Brussels Insights

After his very authoritative reign in Kinshasa from where he was finally expelled for his very compromising role, Ambassador Vincent Karega has just...