Home Politics Monitor Karega’s M23 Mission: Brussels Insights
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Karega’s M23 Mission: Brussels Insights

After his very authoritative reign in Kinshasa from where he was finally expelled for his very compromising role, Ambassador Vincent Karega has just been appointed to represent Rwanda in Belgium. A choice of objective to stifle the opposition against Kigali in vogue and to recruit Congolese elites for the cause of the M23, destabilizer of the democratic institutions of Congo-Kinshasa.

The appointment of Vincent Karega to represent the Rwandan state in Belgium is not a coincidence. Since despite all the articulations of the plot against the Democratic Republic of Congo, the personal diplomacy of Félix Tshisekedi has moved the lines. Indeed, the Congolese president has maintained his fight in the international denunciation of the balkanization plan long accelerated by Kigali and its Western supporters.

Kigali is nailed, obliged to explain itself if not to dry all the forums which are held outside the country. If a journalist-spy from Rwanda could ask Felix Tshisekedi a trick question at an international summit in Davos, it was an expression of diplomatic exhaustion from Kigali. Paul Kagame is not a myth, his prestige now being stained and his reputation unhealthy.

Why Karega?

Ex-General Delphin Kahimbi, who wrote a letter warning against the appointment of this man to Kinshasa, is he still alive?, asks a university teacher. Scientists and observers of the geopolitics of the Great Lakes variously analyze the hidden motivations of such an appointment. “Kagame never makes any random nomination: each nomination comes with a goal! Either protect its interests or destroy a potential enemy,” explains a political scientist from the University of Kinshasa.

For him, Vincent Karega is part of the system of “cleaners” (those who know the jargon of counterintelligence will understand!), a system put in place by Kagame to get rid of internal or external opponents, Rwandans or foreigners, likely to harm the interests of Kigali. “Each time he is sent somewhere, opponents of Kagame are assassinated or personalities deemed ‘dangerous’ for his regime”. This was the case in South Africa, which earned him his expulsion. Karega was expelled from the DRC for well-known reasons. Suddenly, he was sent to Belgium, while the Congolese head of state launched a vigorous campaign to denounce Rwanda’s aggression against the Democratic Republic of Congo. “It should make “tilt” in our brains”, explains the political scientist.

Why Karega in Belgium?

Brussels is the cradle and seat of the European Union. It is the country to which the United States often leave the “subcontracting” of Congolese issues. It is home to the largest Congolese diaspora community, including many of the families of today’s Congolese leaders. “It is in Belgium that Félix Tshisekedi holds his strongest political influence and his secondary residence as a former member of the Congolese diaspora”.

Karega will not fail to take an interest in it. Infiltrate the Congolese community, instrumentalize the Banyamulenge community and influence international diplomacy. “Belgium is the nation, whose sovereign was the first to denounce Rwanda’s aggression against the DRC during his trip to Congo in June 2022”. Belgium, because of its historical ties with the DRC, is a privileged target if we want to reach the DRC, because Brussels, “at the Noko”, the Uncles, “is the door next door” to Kinshasa.

This article is originally published on mediacongo.net

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