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Public Diplomacy

New Whistleblower Protection Attempt By Federal Government

The EU Commission is suing Germany for not protecting whistleblowers well enough. The Federal Ministry of Justice now wants to pass a new...


EU Commission Needed For Block Processing Intervention

The Federal Association of Goods Transport and Logistics (BGL) is calling for the European Commission to intervene to end the Tyrolean block handling...

Public Diplomacy

European Commission’s Blockchain Sandbox: 20 Projects Innovating

The European Commission’s regulatory sandbox aims to bring public and private sector projects together with regulators to engage in dialogue. On February 15,...

Politics Monitor

Tensions Rise: Kremlin’s Strained Relations With Moldova

The Kremlin said on Monday that Russia’s relations with Moldova are very tense and accused Moldovan leaders of pursuing an anti-Russian agenda, a...


Toneelkring’s Generosity: Helping The Less Fortunate

Toneelkring De Brug from Retie has again handed out a few thousand euros. “To people in Retie who are less fortunate than us,”...


Border Closure Causes Massive Truck Traffic Jam

In Poland, on the border with Belarus, hundreds of trucks are stuck in a traffic jam of more than 40 kilometers. This is...

Politics Monitor

List of Candidates for 2023 Senate Elections

Johan Dessing is the leader of the Forum for Democracy (FVD) in the Senate elections. This has been announced by the party in...

Politics Monitor

Morocco And Israel Unite In Artillery Collaboration

The Moroccan delegation, chaired by General Mohamed Benawali, completed its visit to Israel a few days ago, where it observed the latest strategic...

EU Agencies

Morocco Secures $1.8B Commitments From World Bank

Speaking during a meeting with World Bank Chief Operating Officer Axel Van Trotsenburg and World Bank Vice President for MENA Farid Belhaj, the...

Politics Monitor

Morocco’s Defeat At 36th African Union Summit

The work of the 36th Summit of the African Union (AU) continued yesterday at the headquarters of the pan-African organization in Addis Ababa...