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Politics Monitor

Colonna Denounces Russia’s Complicity in Nagorno-Karabakh

France “needs” more international and European support for the preservation of Armenia’s territorial integrity and the protection of the displaced populations of...

EU Agencies

Bulgaria Targets Euro Adoption By 2025

Bulgaria has announced the postponement of its objective of joining the euro zone by one year, now aiming for 2025 instead of 2024....

Politics Monitor

Azawad, a time bomb that threatens the Algerian regime

When it was signed in 2015, the Algiers Agreement was considered a feat for Algerian diplomacy. Today, it represents the most obvious sign...

Politics Monitor

Iranian Assets Unfrozen: Tehran’s Victory in South Korea & Iraq

Iran has announced the release of $10 billion of its frozen funds in South Korea and Iraq as part of a prisoner swap...

Politics Monitor

Diplomatic Crossroads: The Enigmatic Abdoulaye Diop

Oumar Konaré, former ambassador under ATT, former Minister of Foreign Affairs under IBK and still Minister of Foreign Affairs under the transition of...

EU Agencies

EU Concerned With Recent Developments In Tunisia

The European Union said it was following recent developments in Tunisia closely and with concern, in a press release published on Wednesday, February...

Media Statements

Cassel And Green Team Up In Liaison

In this first Franco-British production for the Apple TV+ platform, Vincent Cassel plays a mercenary spy. He is the charming asset of this...

Politics Monitor

Washington and Beijing to meet over Taiwan

American Defense Minister Lloyd Austin will meet his Chinese counterpart Dong Jun next week, the Pentagon announced on Friday, at a time when...