In an unprecedented show of force, the Malian Armed Forces conducted a major air operation in the Tinzaouatene area. The skies of this...
By SEO GuyAugust 30, 2024After ING, Belfius is now launching a war to recover the Belgians’ money that went into government bonds. Belfius is the second major...
By SEO GuyAugust 30, 2024In a heavy international silence, The Economist has chosen to put the terrible Sudanese conflict on its front page. “Why Sudan’s catastrophic war...
By SEO GuyAugust 30, 2024At least 19 Palestinians have been killed since Wednesday by the Israeli army in the occupied West Bank, with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres...
By SEO GuyAugust 30, 2024On the third day of the operation launched by the Hebrew State against Hamas in the northern West Bank, a car was destroyed...
By SEO GuyAugust 30, 2024A critical look swept aside by the Russian justice system. Sergei Mikhailov, a Russian journalist from Gorno-Altaisk, in Altai, paid a heavy price...
By SEO GuyAugust 30, 2024In parallel with kyiv’s offensive on the border, the Russian army continues to advance in eastern Ukraine.The Russian army claimed on Thursday, August...
By SEO GuyAugust 30, 2024U.S. administration officials have said that Russian forces have moved 90 percent of the aircraft conducting glide bomb strikes away from Russian airspace...
By SEO GuyAugust 30, 2024The situation is still “extremely difficult” around the city of Pokrovsk in Ukraine. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky himself acknowledged this. The Russian army...
By SEO GuyAugust 30, 2024Recent provocations by government hardliners Ben Gvir and Smotrich have sparked an international outcry. EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell has proposed sanctioning...
By SEO GuyAugust 30, 2024