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French Embassy Opens in Georgetown: Joint Press Release

His Excellency Mohamed Irfaan Ali, President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, and His Excellency Stéphane Séjourné, Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs...


In Guyana, France opens an embassy and becomes the first European country to do so

Emmanuel Macron is not far away, he who ends a visit to Guyana this Tuesday, March 26 before heading to Brazil. The Minister...

Politics Monitor

Morocco-EU: Start of political consultations a few days after the opinion of the CJEU prosecutor

The former French ambassador, Hélène Le Gal, returns to Morocco, a country she knew so well before her hasty departure. Today, she visited...


Martinique will receive 601 million credits from Europe for the next seven years

From the current period to the previous one, Martinique will receive 601 million euros, or 182 million euros less. This drop is a...


EU Targets Apple, Alphabet, Meta: Competition Focus

The European Commission launched five procedures on Monday against Apple, Alphabet (Google) and Meta (Facebook, Instagram) suspected of breaches of European competition rules,...

Politics Monitor

“Gabon is writing a new page in its history,” assures Jean-François Ndongou in Geneva

The President of the National Assembly of the Transition, Jean-François Ndongou, is staying in Geneva, Switzerland, where he represents Gabon at the 148...

Politics Monitor

Japanese Prime Minister wants to meet Kim Jong-un

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has requested the holding of a summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, the latter’s influential sister said...

Politics Monitor

Postponement of UN vote on Gaza truce resolution

A vote scheduled for Saturday in the Security Council on a new draft resolution demanding an “immediate” ceasefire in Gaza has been postponed...

Politics Monitor

After António Guterres’ visit near Gaza, Israel’s top diplomat calls UN “anti-Israeli”

Visiting the edge of the Gaza Strip on Saturday March 23, UN Secretary General António Guterres once again called for a ceasefire between...

EU Agencies

Slovakia: the favorite pro-Russian power candidate in the presidential election

Peter Pellegrini, speaker of parliament and ally of pro-Russian Prime Minister Robert Fico, was leading the polls before the first round of the...