Home Awareness Ivory Coast: EU Ambassador encourages women to acclimatize to the diplomatic sector

Ivory Coast: EU Ambassador encourages women to acclimatize to the diplomatic sector

The representative of the European Union (EU) in Côte d’Ivoire, Ambassador Francesca Di Mauro, encouraged women “to acclimatize” to the diplomatic sector, in order to impact future generations and score a significant rate representativeness in this sector of activity.

She spoke during the special edition ”Les chats de l’Aip” (Editor’s note Agence Ivoirienne de presse) which took place under the theme ”Equality between men and women, achievements and challenges”, on Wednesday 27 March 2024 at the conference room of the said agency in Abidjan -Plateau.

In addition to this aspect, the Ambassador discussed the parameters of commercial partnership between Côte d’Ivoire and the European Union located in several areas, notably in the field of customs in terms of importation and exchange of goods.

”The Ivorian constitution enshrined the principle of equality between men and women in the 2000 constitution and parity was also included in the new constitution of 2016. Let’s say that the right moment of the legal basis decrees this equality. For the European Union, in all our actions, we are obliged to encourage the introduction of the gender dimension into everything we do. Perhaps it is important to know that the European Union in its basic treaty which is the Treaty of Rome, as early as 1957, had already established the principle of equality for remuneration for the same work between men and women. she revealed.

Continuing, the EU representative in Côte d’Ivoire, during her intervention, also gave herself the mission of campaigning for gender equality in public and private bodies.

She admitted that the primary mission of the various EU institutions and departments is to address gender issues on the one hand and to eradicate aspects of GBV.

”In March 2020 the European Commission presented its European strategy for equality between men and women 2020-2025 for the European Union. And these strategies tackle several issues, one of the most important issues being Gender-Based Violence. So in several countries in Europe or here, there are occupations and problems. Since then, we have had the European administration which has introduced regulations which impose a little more regulation in this male-female balance in the boards of directors.

So in the private sector and in businesses, we observed that there were a few more men and very few women. And it is this equality which also takes another step forward. And we have seen economic studies which have clearly shown that women also have a better economic result,” she said.

In her fall, Francesca Di Mauro promised to encourage Côte d’Ivoire in its efforts to fight for lasting peace.

She wanted to thank all the collaborators for the invitation to this umpteenth broadcast of ”Les chaterie de l’Aip”.

This article is originally published on abidjan.net

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