Home Politics Monitor French Media Gears Up for European Elections Coverage
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French Media Gears Up for European Elections Coverage

The hundred journalists and forty correspondents from Arte intend to cover the European elections through five axes: migration, climate, war, economy and identity. “We want to go further than our European offer and take a further step to reach the European public,” affirmed Bruno Patino during a press conference on March 28. Renée Kaplan, director of comprehensive information: “we are going to focus above all on digital to seek out this new audience”. From May 15, viewers can find the new program “Europe in the eye of the storm” on the Arte.tv platform and on YouTube. Directed by David Tabourier, the show offers six 30-minute interviews conducted by Nora Hamadi with great European thinkers such as Arancha Gonzalez Laya. A series of portraits, reports and documentaries is also on the menu such as “At the heart of European diplomacy” by Albert Solé. In addition, Arte provides weekly and daily coverage of the elections. Evenings are planned: April 9 is dedicated to the issues of the elections without political guests and June 9 is dedicated to election evening with various experts and cultural personalities. On the air, “we invite deputies from all countries to cross borders,” explains Cécile Ollivier, Director of Information. Arte is also committed to making the voices of European citizens heard through a survey carried out by BVA in the 27 member countries of the Union. These results on the “concerns” of residents will be revealed on the channels of Arte and its network of European partners, including El Pais, Le Soir and Telex.

The quarterly Zadig and Arte are co-publishing a special 196-page issue for “Dreaming Europe” to appear on newsstands and in bookstores on April 24. On sale for 20 euros for 6 months, the magazine offers insights into the Old Continent through the voices of German director Wim Wenders, Belgian writer Amélie Nothomb as well as journalists from the Arte editorial team such as Sonia Devillers (Les sous sous images) and Elisabeth Quin (28 minutes). Infographics and photos are also offered in this magazine coordinated by François Vey and Julien Bisson.

TF1 begins its coverage of the European elections with the first debate of the continuous news channels on May 21. Presented by David Pujadas, the event brings together the main European leaders. Journalist Darius Rochebin is at the helm of a new event on Sundays at 6 p.m. He is organizing a debate between Jérôme Jaffré, director of Cécop and Dominique Reynié, general director of the Foundation for Political Innovation. A few weeks before the result, Marie Chantrait, Jean-Baptiste Boursier and Darius Rochebin will also receive the main headliners in their Sunday shows. On April 8 at 5 p.m., LCI will reveal the first results of a daily voting intention barometer with the IFOP and Le Figaro. From Monday to Friday at the same time, Bénédicte Le Chatelier then Marie-Aline Meliyi will be accompanied by political experts and editorialists to analyze the evolution of this “rolling”. The results will also be broadcast on the LCI and TF1 INFO social networks.

This article is originally published on cbnews.fr

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