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EU Threatens Designation: Impact On Social Networks

Will Label Rouge chicken disappear because of the European Commission? This is what messages on social networks say, relayed in particular by several MEPs from the National Rally, but also by part of the profession. These messages claim that “new European regulations will torpedo open-air farming” and put an end to “quality labels”, such as the Label rouge or the designation of Chicken from Bresse.

No Change on The Labels

The European Commission formally denies and assures that the Red Label or any other designation is not threatened. In reality, according to Brussels, there is a lot of confusion around discussions, launched two years ago at European level and which continue today, on marketing standards. These are denominations that you have necessarily seen when buying poultry: it is for example the mention “free-range chicken, raised in the open air” or “raised in freedom”, there is also the mention “going out to the ‘outside”.

In total, there are five standards, they are all European, ie they are defined by the European Union but some of these main principles are also found in the French specifications for Label Rouge poultry. For example, when you buy a Label Rouge chicken leg at the supermarket, it often says “free range”.

And so, the current European discussions relate to these standards. But that’s where the confusion gets, because contrary to what the social media posts say, these five standards are not about to be taken away or changed. They will not change, confirms the European Commission. On the other hand, additional standards could appear and relate to animal welfare. It is on this point in particular that there are exchanges at the moment, but nothing is done, because for the moment none of the 27 states has made a proposal.

This article is originally published on francetvinfo.fr

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