Home Awareness New 1C V2 tachograph: “we were waiting for it”

New 1C V2 tachograph: “we were waiting for it”

From August 21, 2023, all new trucks in the European Union (EU) will be equipped with the 1C V2 tachograph. A tool that will allow better control of road freight transport operations (TRM) internationally, according to Jean-Marc Rivera, general delegate of the Organization of European Road Carriers (OTRE).
“We have been waiting for this new tool for some time, we hoped for its development in order to control compliance with cabotage much more effectively”, explains Jean-Marc Rivera.

“The geolocation system of the 1C V2 tachograph is likely to meet the new obligations of the Mobility Package”. The Mobility Package, a regulation of the European Union, is intended to frame freight transport operations by road (click on this link to discover the content).

According to OTRE, this new tool will allow controllers to be more efficient: controls will be more targeted.

“This international equipment obligation is a very good thing, continues Jean-Marc Rivera. The common rules will be respected, in order to avoid unfair competition against which we have been fighting for several years. The measure will mainly affect the foreign companies, because French companies are less present internationally. We may have side effects, but they will be marginal compared to the gains”.

This article is originally published on actu-transport-logistique.fr

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