Home Politics Monitor Tunisia Urges EU Solidarity Amid Ukraine War & Immigration
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Tunisia Urges EU Solidarity Amid Ukraine War & Immigration

Tunisian Foreign Minister Nabil Ammar called on the European Union to show “solidarity” with his country in the fight against illegal immigration, during a meeting with the European Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johanson.

The Head of The Tunisian Diplomacy

During this interview, the head of the Tunisian diplomacy stressed the strategic nature of Tunisian-European relations and the importance of the support of the European Union for Tunisia “to carry out its reforms and establish an inclusive and equitable development model within the framework of a partnership based on mutual respect and solidarity to better manage common challenges, including the theme of migration”.

“The Minister recalled the need to deal with migration issues using a global approach based on a balance between socio-economic development and the promotion of legal mobility channels on the one hand and the fight against human trafficking on the other. human beings and migrants,” according to the press release from the Tunisian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

For her part, the European Commissioner reiterated the European Union’s solidarity with Tunisia and its continued commitment to support the country in the economic, financial and social fields, including within the framework of the concerted management of the migration.

Tunisia, some portions of the coastline of which are less than 150 km from the Italian island of Lampedusa, is experiencing many migratory flows of African nationals, mainly from sub-Saharan African countries, towards Italy.

More than 36,600 migrants have arrived in Italy since the start of the year, four times the number of migrants recorded in the same period of the previous year, according to data from the Italian Ministry of the Interior.

This article is originally published on al24news.com

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