Home Politics Monitor Morocco’s Defeat At 36th African Union Summit
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Morocco’s Defeat At 36th African Union Summit

The work of the 36th Summit of the African Union (AU) continued yesterday at the headquarters of the pan-African organization in Addis Ababa for the second and last day. Yesterday’s meeting was held behind closed doors. The Prime Minister, Aïmene Benabderrahmane, is taking part in the work as the representative of the President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune. In an address delivered on Saturday by the Prime Minister on behalf of President Abdelmadjid Tebboune, during the work of the ministerial meeting of the Committee of Ten of the African Union (AU) on the reform of the Security Council of the United Nations, held at the occasion of the 36th Summit of Heads of State and Government of the AU, the Head of State reaffirmed “Algeria’s attachment to Africa’s legitimate right to accede to the status of permanent member of the UN Security Council”, stressing its “commitment to work tirelessly to make the voice of the continent and its legitimate demands heard”.

The first day of the Summit’s work was marked by the attempt to infiltrate the summit through the presence in the conference room of an Israeli diplomat, deputy director general at the Israeli Ministry of Affairs in charge of Africa. Sharon Bar-Li, although she was not officially invited by the African Union, as confirmed by the spokesperson for the chairperson of the AU Commission, Ebba Kalondo. Apart from the reaction of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which protested against the expulsion of the Israeli diplomat by the AU security services, making thinly veiled threats against Algeria and the South Africa accused of being behind the affront suffered by the diplomacy of the Zionist State, the affair did not arouse the slightest reaction of support in favor of the Israeli diplomat from the participants of the Summit, the less officially and publicly.

Not even allies of Israel, African states maintaining diplomatic relations with the Zionist entity, including those who reflect the image of spinning perfect love with the executioners of the Palestinian people, like the kingdom of Morocco, who remained, oddly, silent on this matter. Even if the incident did not disrupt the course of the work, the fact is politically and diplomatically serious for an investigation not to be opened by the Pan-African organization in order to shed light on this blatant violation of diplomatic practices by Israel. . The participants in this 36th AU Summit did not fall into this trap set by Israel, which vainly sought to hold the poster during this summit, by parasitizing it, by putting the African Heads of State before the fact accomplished on the issue of Israel’s admission to the pan-African organization with observer status.

Morocco is part of the same logic of obstruction, of deviation from the principles and values of sovereignty, of independence of African decision-making, recorded in its founding texts. Where Algeria positions itself, Morocco is never far away to try to block its way. This is what the Makhzen has again worked on during this summit by applying for the post of first vice-president for which Algeria has already applied. This seat is traditionally a springboard for securing the rotating AU presidency of 2024, which must go to North Africa. The position, which was to be filled on Saturday, remained vacant. The diplomatic offensive led by Algeria on the reform of the UN Security Council and the granting of two permanent seats to Africa on this Council, and other seats as non-permanent members, the of non-permanent member of the Security Council that Algeria will have to occupy next year, as a representative of the AU, plead in favor of our country in the duel which opposes it to Morocco for the post of first vice- AU President.

Algeria Releases $1 Billion in Aid to Africa

Yesterday, Algeria gave the coup de grace to the Makhzen by announcing President Tebboune’s decision to allocate a billion dollars intended, not to finance secret operations of corruption of civil servants, a specialty of Morocco, but under the development aid to African countries. The African peoples will be able to make allowances for sincere friendship and solidarity, and the buying of voices and consciences to support a colonial project. As part of financial aid to Africa, the Central Emergency Response Fund has decided to release 250 million dollars for populations in a precarious situation, such as the peoples of the Horn of Africa threatened by drought and famine.

On the agenda for yesterday’s session were several crucial points for the development of the African continent, in particular the acceleration of the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (ZLECAf), the flagship file of this 36th summit, the situation of peace and security in Africa, the fight against climate change, food security, as well as the assessment of the implementation of the AU Agenda 2063 and the reform of the Security Council of the Nations united. The Heads of State and Government of AU Member States also had to examine the situation in Libya. According to some media sources, the principle of organizing an inclusive national reconciliation conference was submitted and adopted yesterday by the Summit. Another decision was taken for the AU’s participation in the financing of peacekeeping operations on the continent, an initiative justified by the worrying situation of terrorism in the Sahel region.

This article is originally published on elwatan-dz.com

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