Politics Monitor

Etiam vitae dapibus rhoncus. Eget etiam aenean nisi montes felis pretium donec veni. Pede vidi condimentum et aenean

Politics Monitor

British Foreign Minister David Cameron caught in video hoax

British Foreign Secretary David Cameron has been the victim of a video hoax by someone pretending to be former Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko,...

Politics Monitor

UN, EU denounce civilian deaths in operation to free Hamas hostages

Four Hamas hostages in the Gaza Strip have been released, Israel announced on Saturday, June 8. According to Hamas, the operation to free...

Politics Monitor

Side by side in Paris, Emmanuel Macron and Joe Biden in unison on major international issues

A solemn ceremony under the Arc de Triomphe, a descent of the Champs-Elysées with the Republican Guard, and the gold of the Elysée...

Politics Monitor

Algeria elected vice-president of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly

Algeria was elected by acclamation on Thursday as Vice-President of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly. With this election, Algeria’s...

Politics Monitor

The Delegation of the European Union is recruiting for this position (June 6, 2024)

The European Union (EU) is the result of an economic and political partnership between 27 European countries. It plays a major role on...

Politics Monitor

Russo-Western conflict over Ukraine: No consensus in Europe to send military instructors to kyiv

There is currently “no consensus” in the European Union (EU) to send military instructors to Ukrainian soil. This is what the head of...

Politics Monitor

Israel Must Stop Using Crossings to Starve Gaza: Shoukry

The head of diplomacy, Sameh Shoukry called, Monday May 27, in Brussels, all member states of the European Union to recognize the Palestinian...

Politics Monitor

Ukraine War: Allies Shift on Targeting Russia

“This continued escalation can have serious consequences.” Vladimir Putin set the tone on Tuesday, May 28, as a debate agitated Ukraine’s allies on...

Politics Monitor

War in Ukraine: Medvedev speaks of “world war three”, Russia faster in producing shells, the events of May 26, 2024

Among the roles he has taken on since leaving the presidency of Russia, it is clear that that of “tsar jester” suits him...

Politics Monitor

War in Ukraine: unprepared fortifications provokes national controversy

In a Rada accustomed to spectacle, on May 22 the opposition had hung signs on the desk of the President of Parliament with...