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Politics Monitor

War in Ukraine: massive attack on Moscow, kyiv and 15 regions affected

A harsh response to the Ukrainian offensive in the Kursk region of Russia, which has been going on for three weeks. After a...


Reading: The Hidden Face of the Mullahs, by Emmanuel Razavi

What if Iran were today the world’s leading criminal organization? The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, a drug trafficking cartel? How do the mullahs...


Canada to impose 100% surtax on Chinese electric vehicles starting in October

The Canadian government announced on Monday, August 26, that the country would impose a 100% surtax starting August 1. October on imports of...

EU Agencies

Uber fined €290 million for breaching EU data protection regulations

The Dutch Data Protection Authority on Monday (26 August) fined Uber €290 million for transferring the personal data of European drivers to the...

Policy Watch

EU dismayed by new Afghan law that silences women in public

The European Union said on Monday it was dismayed by a new Afghan law to “promote virtue and prevent vice” among the population....


Future College of Commissioners: European countries do not respect gender parity

As the deadline for the 27 European Union (EU) states to submit their candidates for the College of Commissioners approaches, European countries appear...

Politics Monitor

EU sends two Canadair planes to Madeira after serious fire

Two Canadair water bombers have been sent by the European Union to the island of Madeira in Portugal, which is in the grip...

EU Agencies

European Union to defend dairy sector against China

The European Commission promised this Thursday, August 22, 2024, to “firmly” defend the dairy industry in Europe, the day after the opening of...

EU Agencies

China launches anti-dumping investigation into dairy products imported from EU

The trade standoff is getting tougher. The Chinese Ministry of Commerce announced on Wednesday, August 21, that it was opening “an anti-dumping investigation...

Politics Monitor

EU Foreign Minister discusses Palestine with Prime Minister Mostafa and Saudi Foreign Minister

The High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, met with the Palestinian Prime Minister and the Foreign...