Home Public Diplomacy EU’s Joint Ammunition Purchase Amid Ukraine War
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EU’s Joint Ammunition Purchase Amid Ukraine War

EU countries are considering teaming up to buy artillery ammunition from Ukraine. A meeting is to be held on Monday in Brussels on this subject.

The countries of the European Union (EU) are considering undertaking a common emergency purchase of artillery ammunition. According to information from diplomats and European officials, the aim is to increase the aid given to Ukraine to deal with the Russian offensive. This Monday, a meeting will be held in Brussels in the presence of EU foreign ministers who will discuss the possible joint purchase of 155 millimeter shells. A way to be more efficient than at the national level.

Ursula Von Der Leyen Believes That “The Time Has Come”

During the Munich Security Conference, the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, judged that the “time (had) come” and that it was necessary to “accelerate” and “increase the production of standardized products whose Ukraine desperately needs”. “In this atrocious war that Russia has unleashed against Ukraine, we see that we can move mountains under pressure,” she said. The joint purchase of artillery ammunition could be similar to the purchase of vaccines against Covid-19.

Upcoming Announcements

The head of Ukrainian diplomacy, Dmytro Kuleba, for his part spoke in Munich with leaders of the defense industry on this subject. He said he had received information on “the quantities that can be produced”, including “precise figures”. “The question concerns their contractualization, financing and logistics”, he however resumed. Announcements could be made in the days following Monday’s meeting.

This article is originally published lejdd.fr

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