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Archive 4 Columns

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Foreign Policy

Morocco Meets Key Requirements In Counter-Terrorism Efforts

Morocco has fulfilled the three basic requirements needed to fight terrorism and violent extremism, said El Mostafa Rezrazi, Senior Fellow at the Policy...

Politics Monitor

Bolstering Kyiv: Washington’s Battlefield Support

The United States on Tuesday announced a new tranche of military aid to Ukraine amounting to $400 million. The aid includes ammunition for...

Public Diplomacy

Ghaza: The American Vet Splatters World Diplomacy

The backstage of global diplomacy is darkening as the United States vetoed a UN Security Council resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in...


Zionist genocide: Josep Borrell warns of a “humanitarian catastrophe” in Rafah

The head of European diplomacy warned on Saturday against a possible offensive by the Zionist occupying army in Rafah, in the south of...


Reading: The Hidden Face of the Mullahs, by Emmanuel Razavi

What if Iran were today the world’s leading criminal organization? The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, a drug trafficking cartel? How do the mullahs...

Politics Monitor

Hamas attack on Israel: “The situation in Gaza is catastrophic”, warn NGOs

Israel has promised “terrible revenge” and to “eradicate” Hamas in response to what constitutes the deadliest attack on its soil in its 75-year...


The representative of the European Union in Madagascar is asked to pack her bags

The diplomat greatly irritated the Malagasy president with comments considered too direct, not taking gloves to openly criticize the regime of Andy Rajoelina...

Politics Monitor

March 21 Recap: Moscow-Beijing Strengthening, IMF Aid To Ukraine

The day was marked by the closing of the summit between Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping. At a state dinner, the two presidents...

Politics Monitor

Vietnam-Czech Republic Friendship: Cherished And Integral Cooperation

Vietnam always attaches importance to promoting traditional friendship and multifaceted cooperation with the Czech Republic, and would like to further expand cooperation with...

Politics Monitor

Sending Western troops “cannot be ruled out”, says Macron

Emmanuel Macron on Monday called on Ukraine’s allies meeting in Paris for a “start” to ensure the “defeat” of Russia. He announced new...

Politics Monitor

Brics Summit: Ramaphosa Applauds Alliance’s Impact on South Africa

Johannesburg welcomes from this Tuesday and until Thursday the heads of state of Brazil, China, India, and the head of Russian diplomacy, alongside...


European Union: The most deprived people are not sufficiently protected

Renewed commitments by the European Union and its member states to uphold and protect human rights in 2023 have still not been translated...