Home Politics Monitor A social and ecological Europe: the fault line of the European election campaign
Politics Monitor

A social and ecological Europe: the fault line of the European election campaign

The European election campaign is starting slowly but surely. Two of the issues at stake in next June’s election are societal and ecological questions, which form a dividing line between the different European political groups.

On the ecology front, the Green Pact must be finalized before the elections, but it is the subject of a virulent debate between on the one hand the right and the extreme right, anxious to protect industry and agriculture, and on the other side a social democratic and environmentalist camp which wants to adopt these ecological transition measures by force.

And this divide is the same around the project of building a social Europe. The European right talks about competitiveness and growth, while its opponents on the left demand harmonization of social protections in the different Member States. All this while one in three Europeans say they feel in a precarious situation, according to a recent Ipsos survey.

This article is originally published on france24.com

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