Home Politics Monitor EU Diplomat’s 500+ Days Detention in Iran
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EU Diplomat’s 500+ Days Detention in Iran

Sweden asked Iran on Monday to release one of its nationals detained “arbitrarily”, without confirming his identity.

Another European hostage in Iran. The head of diplomacy of the European Union, Josep Borrell, revealed on Tuesday September 5 the identity of a Swede detained in Iran for more than 500 days. He is a European diplomat named Johan Floderus.

Josep Borrell assured the press that he and his services were “working tirelessly” to obtain the release of this diplomat, held prisoner in Iran since April 17, 2022. Sweden had asked Iran on Monday to release one of its nationals detained “arbitrarily”, without confirming their identity.

Arrested after a tourist stay

The American daily The New York Times stated the same day that it was Johan Floderus, a 33-year-old Swede working for the EU diplomatic service. He was arrested when taking his flight back to Tehran after a tourist trip.

Neither the Swedish authorities nor the European Union have until now wanted to confirm his identity. Iran announced in July 2022 the arrest of a Swede for espionage, against a backdrop of tense relations between Tehran and Stockholm.

This article is originally published on francetvinfo.fr


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