Home Politics Monitor Coup Triggers EU, Washington & Paris Sanctions
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Coup Triggers EU, Washington & Paris Sanctions

The first sanctions fell on Niger following the coup perpetrated by soldiers against Mohamed Bazoum. The European Union (EU) and France announced on Saturday the suspension of their financial aid, while the African Union gave a 15-day ultimatum to the putschists so that they return to their barracks.

Pressure is mounting on the new ruling junta in Niger. The EU and Paris announced on Saturday the suspension of their financial aid to the country which on July 25 was still led by Mohamed Bazoum. In the statement signed by Josep Borell, the Head of European diplomacy, he indicated that “this unacceptable attack on the integrity of the republican institutions of Niger will not remain without consequences for the partnership and cooperation between the EU and Niger. , in all its aspects. The EU immediately announced the suspension of “all security cooperation” and announced that it “would no longer provide financial support” to Niamey. Niamey will therefore no longer benefit from the envelope of 503 million euros allocated to it by Brussels for the period 2021-2024.

Paris also wants to constrain, the CNSP has changed its tune to financial pressure. France has also decided to suspend “all its development aid and budget support actions”. In 2022, French financial aid to Niger had reached 120 million euros.

Washington is not the rest. US Foreign Minister Antony Blinken reiterated his unwavering support for President Mohamed Bazoum and hinted that the coup could “jeopardize” hundreds of millions in US aid.

On the continent, we do not intend to let another coup pass. The African Union (AU) condemned the coup “in the strongest terms” and issued an ultimatum to the putschists on Saturday, giving them fifteen days to “return to their barracks and restore constitutional authority”. ECOWAS will meet this Sunday to attempt mediation and convince General Tchiani to return power to Mohamed Bazoum. In case of failure, it announces sanctions.

This Sunday will therefore be decisive for the rest of the events in Niger. Faced with pressure from ECOWAS, the EU and the United States, the junta warned against any military intervention and called for a march of support. Thousands of people took to the streets of Niamey in support of the CSNP, chanting anti-French slogans and some waving Russian flags.

This article is originally published on afriquinfos.com

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