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Coup in Niger: Global Condemnation

The European Union assured that it “will not recognize the authorities resulting from the putsch”.

Strong reactions on the international scene. The putsch which saw the head of the presidential guard, General Abdourahamane Tiani, take power in Niger, after having overthrown the elected president Mohamed Bazoum, has been strongly criticized. The European Union “does not recognize and will not recognize the authorities resulting from the putsch” in Niger, thus declared on Saturday July 29 the head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell.

The EU has also decided to immediately suspend “all its cooperation actions in the security field” with the Sahel country. President Mohamed Bazoum, overthrown by a military coup, “was democratically elected, he is and therefore remains the only legitimate President of Niger”, added Josep Borrell, who considers that “his release must take place unconditionally and without time limit”. The African Union (AU) has for its part requested the restoration within a fortnight of “constitutional authority”. It “demands from the soldiers the immediate and unconditional return to their barracks”.

France condemns the coup “with the greatest firmness”

Emmanuel Macron for his part condemned “with the greatest firmness” the coup. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs specifies that France “does not recognize the authorities” resulting from the putsch. The Head of State will chair a defense and national security council on Niger on Saturday afternoon.

The head of American diplomacy Antony Blinken meanwhile assured Mohamed Bazoum of Washington’s “unwavering support” during a telephone call. He stressed that the coup put “hundreds of millions of dollars in aid at risk”, but that the United States would continue to work for the “full restoration of constitutional order and democratic governance in Niger”.

This article is originally published on francetvinfo.fr

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