Home Politics Monitor Morocco-EU Partnership: A Brighter Fishing Future
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Morocco-EU Partnership: A Brighter Fishing Future

The conclusion of the fisheries protocol, which took place on July 17, provided an opportunity for the Moroccan government to express its appreciation for the “strategic partnership” it has with the European Union. In a public intervention following the government council, Mustapha Baïtas, Minister of Relations with Parliament and government spokesperson, praised the unique relationship between Morocco and the EU, transcending the framework of fisheries to encompass other key sectors. He also appreciated the “positive” achievements of the fishing protocol established for the period 2019-2023.

Regarding the future development of cooperation in the fisheries sector between Brussels and Rabat, it will be determined by the joint assessment currently being carried out by Morocco and the EU. These remarks echo those made by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nasser Bourita, on July 12. The latter said that Morocco is considering partnerships that offer greater added value, thus breaking away from the traditional model of exchanging natural resources for financial support. According to him, the Morocco of today aspires to a new form of partnership, more beneficial for all parties involved.

This article is originally published on maroc-hebdo.press.ma


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