Home Politics Monitor President Macky Sall’s Foreign Policy: Transforming Walls To Bridges
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President Macky Sall’s Foreign Policy: Transforming Walls To Bridges

If I had to remember only one external political success of President macky Entry in 12 years, it would undoubtedly and without any hesitation: THE departure by Yaya Jammeh. Jammeh was a dope in the foot of Senegal for 23 years playing the arsonist at night and sapper apple tree Casamance crisis which is our most serious national crisis. In the international organization, a state has only two actors: the diplomat and the military. And the fact that President Entree alternately and harmoniously bows on diplomat and soldier to oust Jammeh without a blow is a stroke of genius WHO deserved to be studied in the schools of war and diplomacy. This stroke of genius had a decisive impact on the crisis in Casamance by depriving the MFDC of a fallback zone but also and above all by bringing Casamance geographically with the Farafegny bridge. The MFDC asera brought a bad answer to a real question (the landlocked), with the Bridge, de Farafegny among others (boats and planes), the President provided the maid to answer the real question thus making the MFDC anachronistic.

This is why, in my opinion, the departure of Jammeh and the Farafegny bridge are more important than all the other achievements because we say “a country makes its history but undergoes its geography”. OUR geography is what Senghor called concentric circles to move towards African unity. In his excellent book, Senegal and its neighbors, Momar Koumba Diop shows that the first circle around Senegal was a ring of fire with military intervention in The Gambia (fauré Kaba 2), a military intervention in Guinea Bissau (Operation Gabou) a long conflict with Mauritania in Vieux Tayawithout forgetting the antagonism between Senghor and Sékou Touré and the short-lived federation of Mali. Between Senegal and its neighbours, the 12-year-old boy macky Entrée can be summed up in a simple way: tearing down the walls of mistrust to replace them with bridges of trust. A trust bridge over the Gambia River and another over the Senegal River with the Rosso Bridge. These bridges of trust Open Senegal, the gateway to West Africa, which was in fact a very landlocked country because the door was in fact only permanently open to the Atlantic. Foreign policy of President Entry To deconstruct this hegemony of the Atlanticist logic which goes back to colonization to open the door of the continent. In twelve years, the first circle which was of fire has become a circle of peace with the will of the president to replace mistrust with confidence In our relations with Mauritania with the sharing of energy wealth at the Border. It is an old principle of political science that two countries doing business rarely go to war.

Thus Mauritania by this principle will become one of the largest allied countries of Senegal, which is both a geographical and historical logic because the river has never been a border and the Rosso bridge will recall it in concrete. Another tenet of political science also teaches that democracies do not go to war. After Jammeh’s departure, The Gambia quickly became the democracy it always was and therefore today has the best relationship with the Senegalese. It is about the same for Guinea Bissau since the return of democracy in this country with the support of Senegal. These two principles (Democracies do not go to war, when we do business, we rarely go to war) that President Entree leaned on to transform the ring of fire into a circle of peace and co-prosperity have already demonstrated their relevance in Europe because what is called the European model is nothing more than a substitute for the economy of war as a means of regulating relations between European nations THE tragedies of the two world wars.

The first concentric circle which is that of our neighbors is to move from fire to peace and co-prosperity. For the second circle, which is that of the continent, the results are also very free. The record of President Entrance to lead the African Union is very positive. So free that he narrowly escaped a second term that some of his peers wanted. THE diplomatic circles say it was One of the greatest OAU/AU Presidents for a time President Abdou Diouf and his crusade against Apartheid that had taken it to the borders and into the belly of the Monster with a historical tour of the Frontline countries. The gesture of President Entry to lead the AU will have been both political and economic. Politics to have decided that it should no longer remain just in front of the wailing wall but that it was also necessary to act. What he did when he went to see President Putin in Sochi at the start of the war in Ukraine to make the voice of Africa heard but also to defend its interests. It was one of the few times, if not the only one, where our continent was embroiled in a global conflict.

It will be political will also have an economic declination with his fight for Africa’s presence at the G20. This battle was part of the continuity of the refusal to remain in front of the wailing wall because by integrating the G20, Africa will be present where to make the decisions which structure the world economy. Africa’s entry into the G20 is an economic bridge between the deaveNir continent and the rest of the world, but beware, especially since Shakespeare says that “Fortune smiles on the daring”. When the President Coming To the start of his term began to lay the debate for failing to smile, we laughed diplomatically under the coat. Today it is done and Africa must draw inspiration from its strategy for the reform battle of the UN Security Council which needs a real update.

After there sub-region which is the first circle, the continent which is its second THE third Is that of question with a world dimension like the war in Ukraine. In this regard, it is President Putin himself who makes the point by welcoming the “balanced step” of the African mediation when he received African Heads of State in Saint Petersburg. Speaking there Unbalanced of his Africans, President Putin salutes and confirms the vision and relevance of the President who since his change in Sochi at the start of the war has always insisted on the need to keep a “corridor of discussions” open despite the war.

At the beginning there was no understanding of the steps and the method, but today all parties are happy that the corridor has remained open. There “policy of small steps” that the President propose in particular with the beginning with humanitarian issues (release of prisoners of war for example) will know the same way this I’idea to maintain a “corridor of discussions” that is to say misunderstood beginning but acclaimed at the end. Finally and above all, all his exploits were possible thanks to the army of the shadows that are our diplomats who, as brilliant as they are erased, allow Senegal to maintain its rank and shine in the world. Thanks to the vision of the President and the talent of our diplomats, Senegal, this small country on a map, is and will remain a diplomatic power that shines on the continent and in the world.

This article is originally published on news.dayfr.com

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