Home Foreign Policy Enhancing Higher Education and Research in Latin America: June 22-23, 2023
Foreign Policy

Enhancing Higher Education and Research in Latin America: June 22-23, 2023

The Campus France agency is organising, in coordination with the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Ministry for Higher Education and Research, an attractiveness seminar dedicated to Latin America and the Caribbean. It will take place in the city of Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, on June 22 and 23, 2023 and will bring together representatives from 15 French embassies in Latin America and the Caribbean.

This working seminar aims to encourage exchanges and the sharing of good practices between French embassies and consulates in the Latin America and Caribbean region in order to contribute to strengthening the links of academic and scientific cooperation between France and the countries of this area. geographical. These countries are traditionally important partners in the field of higher education and research.

This meeting will be an opportunity to:

• present current trends in student mobility
• draw up an inventory of the projection of higher education establishments in the area,
• to review the missions of the Campus France Spaces at the heart of the reception system and the deployment of the “Studies in France” procedure,
• and to interact on the areas of development of the France Alumni network abroad.

This article is originally published on diplomatie.gouv.fr

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