Home Awareness EU’s Expanding Shopping List: Vaccines, Weapons & Barbed Wire

EU’s Expanding Shopping List: Vaccines, Weapons & Barbed Wire

The urgency pushes Member States to join forces for joint purchases in areas of national jurisdiction in normal times.

The European Commission will propose in the coming weeks a way to directly buy weapons in common to send them quickly to Ukraine, while today it reimburses the Member States who each place their order.
Just as they had joined forces to buy vaccines, while health is a national competence, the Member States of the European Union are preparing to do so for weapons, an important step for European defense . “It would be the first time that the European level, through the Commission, would have the role of purchaser to buy weapons, as for vaccines during Covid”, underlines a European official.

Last Saturday, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen formalized work on this possibility, and foreign ministers discussed it on Monday.

This article is originally published on lopinion.fr

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